Having a Jaydess IUS coil fitted (+ the next 12 hours)

It was a Friday and my appointment was at 1:30pm. I’m a 20 Y.O final year student at university so I settled into the SU café and set up camp for the morning, attempting to revise. By 12pm I was growing a little anxious, wanting it to be over and done with, so I got myself a glass of rosé and started googling tips on preparing to have a coil fitted. Of course, this was a horrible decision because I quickly found myself surrounded by horror stories of a women who had cried and experienced terrible pain during fittings. Tales of expulsion, months of bleeding and early removals had me expecting the worst. I became pretty nervous, so I had another half glass of wine.


Ok, so, the appointment. The coil I’d chosen was the ‘Jaydess’, a hormonal coil which is smaller than the Mirena and lasts 3 years rather than 5. I made this choice because I was attracted to the smaller size (which supposedly meant for easier insertion) and smaller amount of hormones (which I hoped meant less side effects) that came with the Jaydess. I had two nurses, they began by talking me through the risks and assured me that the chlamydia test they’d taken the week before had come back negative. Waheeey! They then had me remove all clothing from my bottom half and lay on a bed, with a nice bit of paper laid on top of me for privacy. Now, the actual insertion isn’t great, but for me it was very manageable.It’s not for the squeamish, you have a light shined directly at your ladycave and a multitude of things put in there, but as my nurse said, “Just lie back and think of England”. The worst bits of pain only last for a second and for the most part it’s just a dull discomfort.

After about 8 minutes it was over and I was given a pad as there is immediate light bleeding. ***TIP*** Do not do what I did and wear white underwear. You will regret it! I had little specks of blood on the tops of my thighs etc and had no wipes or shower to get rid of them, R.I.P undies. </3 As soon as I sat up on the bed my dull, crampy feeling pretty much went away and I felt like I was some kind of super-high-pain-threshold-queen.  No tears, no screaming, just mildly awkward chit chat. After getting redressed and signing a form (which I definitely didn’t read), I left, and all in all the appointment took about 20 minutes. I strolled across the road to grab some pads as I had been warned of bleeding for the next few days, and the crampy feeling was just kinda there, not painful at all. Crazy internet people, this was easy!


20 minutes later on the bus, the pain was starting to make itself known. Clearly I had been too happy with myself and my had body decided to remind me who’s boss. It wasn’t searing pain or unbearable pain, it was just really dull, really sucky, really heavy cramps. I felt like I was having a moderately bad period, which isn’t enjoyable, but it’s manageable. I got home, made a hot water bottle, crawled into bed, and put on Netflix. My housemate brought me Paracetamol so I took 2, and I then proceeded to have cramps (ranging from pretty bad – barely noticeable) on and off for the next 5-6 hours. I wallowed in self pity and cursed my boyfriend for not also having to go through this, for which he profusely apologised and ordered me a pizza out of guilt.


Within those hours I took one more ibuprofen, refilled my hot water bottle twice and ate the aforementioned guilt-pizza. It sucked, but that was it. No major pain killers, no bottles of vodka, just movies and general periody-comfort stuff. By 10pm I felt pretty much normal and was walking around quite happily, getting ready for bed and tidying up a bit. There was still bleeding but it’s wasn’t particularly heavy, just like a light period.

I’ve done a lot of web-surfing today and am feeling pretty concerned about what the future will hold for me and my little T-shaped friend. Every one online seems to have stories of developing bad acne, gaining unloseable weight or bleeding and bloating non-stop for 2-3 months. I guess I’m writing this blog as much as for myself as I am for you guys, I’m hoping I’ll get to be one of the lucky ones and have a magical experience to share with you all, to counter the dozens of bad. Just imagine if my periods stopped all together, I didn’t get any of the bad side effects and I did gain weight, but only in my boobs. Now that would make a great blog.

I’m moving to this IUS from having been on the pill for the last 5 years, my latest one having been Loestrin 30. I’ve had to change my type of pill 3 times over the years, one made me sob at random times for no apparent reason, another made me take 4 hour naps every day. I’m hoping that by swapping to a coil and having hormones that are only released in a localised area, I can give my body a break and discover who it is that I actually am without the influence of all the pill’s mysterious side effects.


Anyway, it’s just gone midnight so I’m going to call it quits now. Hopefully everything will be rosy and perfect in the morning (highly unlikely). I look forward to keeping you updated and monitoring my experience with my first ever IUS! Wish me luck!

C x

18 thoughts on “Having a Jaydess IUS coil fitted (+ the next 12 hours)

  1. Wendy Stone says:

    HI, I’m really interested to hear how you get on. I’m 48 and after a 3 year break (due to relationship breakups) starting to think about going back onto some sort of Contraception but have been put off by quite a few people’s experience of the coil. While not having any contraception, my periods are as regular as clockwork and only last a few days, no bloating, cramps etc. Just wonder if I’m going to put my body through hell going onto the coil!! It’s very difficult to find any good reviews for it.


    • ckerslakesmithgmailcom says:


      So sorry that it’s taken me so long to reply to this – but it’s been over a year now and I absolutely love it! I don’t think I’ll ever go back to the pill, and when my three years are up I think I’ll change to the three year coils. My periods have stopped and I haven’t had any of the bad side effects that you hear about. My mum and aunts are all on the copper coil and they all love them so I would definitely recommend trying it out! xx


  2. rowbeeh says:

    Hi there! I just had my Jaydess inserted a couple of days ago.. After reading through all the negative stuff online I’ve kind of been freaking out, so I’m excited to hear about your experience since you’re a couple of weeks ahead of me!

    Wish you the very best!


  3. mikaela procopio says:

    hey im thinking about getting the jaydess and came across your blog seems to be the only light at the end of the tunnel can you maybe update me on how its going to help make this decision theirs so many things that are scaring me from it thanks


    • ckerslakesmithgmailcom says:


      It’s a really intimidating decision to make, I completely understand why you feel like that! It took me over a year of mulling it over to finally go for it.

      I have to say, this has been one of my best decisions and I thoroughly encourage you to go for it. My moods fluctuate much less now and I’ve actually lost weight and would say my skin is the same if not clearer than it was before, and I have more energy! I don’t know if all of that is down to the change but there certainly haven’t been any negatives. xxx


    • ckerslakesmithgmailcom says:


      Did you make a decision in the end? My update is really just that it’s been great! It settled in after about 2 months of light spotting and occasional cramps and since then it’s been plain sailing, and I’ll definitely be getting another coil in two years time. xx


  4. Carly says:

    How is your journey going ? I’m 23 looking at the Jaydess for pretty much the same reasons as you and am interested to see how it’s. Working out for someone in a similar situaton to mine


    • ckerslakesmithgmailcom says:


      My journey has been pretty great to be honest. The first two months were a bit annoying because I had spotting and occasional random cramps, but since then my periods have stopped (WIN) and I have more energy and less mood swings than before. I feel more like myself now – so for that reason alone I’d say the coil is the best option (when compared with the pill). xxx


  5. Ash says:


    Thanks for the post. I’m going in on Wednesday for my Jaydess Insertion. How are you doing now and did you gain any weight/acne or experience any other side effects?


    • ckerslakesmithgmailcom says:


      Thanks for reading! How did your insertion go and how are you finding it now? I’ve actually lost weight and my skin is better since going on Jaydess and have had no bad side effects! I’m not sure if I’m just lucky or what but it’s been so great for me and I’m encouraging all my friends to go for it too. xx


  6. Stephanie G. says:

    Do you have any updates? have you had any side effects? I am getting mine inserted today, I am off my period and I hear its more painful so I am going to take midol before I go in but I am terrified of the side effects such as acne and loss of hair. What has your experience been like?


    • ckerslakesmithgmailcom says:


      I hope it went OK! I’ve had no bad effects, my skin is clearer now and I’ve certainly not had any loss of hair! The hormones are so localised that I really don’t even see how that would be possible! How has your experience been? Did you get any side effects? xxx


  7. motorhedda says:

    Thank you so much for this! All I can find on the Internet are really bad experiences and side affects worse than a zombie apocalypse.. Got mine four days ago and had the same experience you had. Today though, I am cramping again (on and off pretty bad) and once again on the couch under a blanket. Hoping it will settle soon and return to normal before too long.


  8. Devlishmay says:

    How is it going with the Jaydess, did it settle down,were you one of the lucky ones?

    Thanks for your first blog post, was really useful to read, looking forward to more.


    • ckerslakesmithgmailcom says:


      I have to say, my only regret is not getting it sooner. It took about two months to settle in fully but since then it’s been such a dream – no bad side effects and it’s SO refreshing not to have all of the hormones of the pill. I genuinely feel like an improved version of the person I was before!

      Glad I could be useful for you! x


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